Coca Zoo

Coca Zoo wildlife animal rescue and rehabilitation center was created in 2008: with the purpose of housing different wild species that due to illegal hunting are separated from their natural habitat.

Currently, Coca Zoo hosts 200 animals corresponding to 50 species, including birds, reptiles, felines, and mammals. In addition, it has a veterinary clinic where it cares for all wild animals, which are evaluated for reintegration into nature or permanence in the rescue center.

Coca Zoo is located 10 km away, along the route to Dayuma parish, on the right bank, and can be reached by taxi or bus from El Coca city.

  • Free admission
  • Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 08:00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.
  • Social Networks: @CocaZoo                                                       

Omaguas Thematic Museum

The Omaguas Thematic Museum shows the history, myths and legends of the Omaguas people who were the first inhabitants of the sector. The carved sculptures of animals and people that are in the museum are very striking. As are the caves with stalagmites and stalactites: It’s sure to be a tour that will transport you on a trip to our history.

How to get there: Moretal and Arazá streets, El Moretal neighborhood (Don Pauker swimming pools).

  • Entrance fee: $5.00 per person
  • Opening hours: Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Cell: Mr. Daniel Pauker – 0982795048                                                    

Taracoa Lagoon

Taracoa Lagoon is located in Taracoa Parish, fed by several estuaries and rainwater, it has a length of 1.5 kilometers. The Ila Kucha Community Tourism Center works on ecotourism activities: camping, canoe rides to observe the flora and fauna that live around the lagoon. The Ila Kucha Community Tourism Center works on ecotourism activities including camping and canoe rides to observe the flora and fauna that live around the lagoon. There is also a path that will take you to the Napo river.

How to get there: From the city of El Coca, take the route to the Taracoa parish, then take a gravel road for 4 km. until reaching the natural attraction, (35km).

  • Entrance fee: $5.00
  • Opening hours: Monday to Sunday from 07:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.
  • Cell: Mr. Noé Lanza, 0981122590
  • Social Network: @IlaKucha